Wednesday, December 14, 2005

this girl can sing!

I went to the Kelly Clarkson concert last night. I know, that's so gay right? It was pretty good though. Short, 1 hr long, but it was good. And man can she sing. She has some pipes on her. You know the artist is good when you go see them live and they sound just as good as they do on their album. Plus she's hot! I don't care what people say about Kelly, I like her. I don't regret voting for her all those times on American Idol. Hehe...okay, so I only voted once, no really I swear.

So anyway, as was expected my friend and I were among the select few old enough to drink. I almost felt embarrassed standing there a few feet from Kelly in a sea of little teeny boppers with a beer in my hand. I said ALMOST, 'cause I needed those couple of beers to relax enough to not let the little screaming girls get to me. We had floor seats by the way. We were about 4 rows from the stage. Unfortunately for us there were a couple amazon women standing directly in front of us. These girls were I mean TALL! I thought how can this be, two gargantuum women and just our luck they happen to be friends and standing right in front of us? Gosh! I spent the whole time moving from side to side just so I could see passed their heads as Kelly walked across the stage. Luckily, she spend most of the time at the foot of the cat walk that protruded into the audience where my vision was unobstructed.

It was funny how you could so pick out the gay guys in the audience...they were the ones jumping up and down and dancing while singing all her songs word for word. I wasn't familiar with all her songs and I'm not THAT gay otherwise I'd probably be among those obvious few. But anywho, she got down. She has a rockin' voice.


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