Monday, June 19, 2006

and update!!!

So, how goes it? I guess I've been gone from my blog for a minute now. I feel bad for it, but I've just been lagging. No excuse other than just been laggin'.

Let's see where to begin. Not a whole lot has happened with me since my last post. On the health front, I bought a new bike and have begun cycling with my ex...though, I've been going at it alone lately. You know how that start something with a partner but then sooner than later you always end up doing it alone. Anyway, I hadn't realized how out of shape I actually was until I went on that 2+mile bike trail for the first time. That killed me! My second time was worse...I actually cramped up after the ride. The last time i was out riding I suffered from a bad sinus headache. I could barely see straight the pain was so bad and I had to drive clear across town back to my place. The trail I ride is at a park across town, but the trail is nice and leisurely. Well, except for all those damned hills! I think I have to go see a sinus specialist, 'cause I've been having lots of problems lately. Of course the bad air quality doesn't help any. Aside from that the weather had been beautiful here lately, rare for it being so late in June...oh but the triple digits are looming right around the corner. :(

On the romance side...nothing new to report. Still talking to the one guy and not sure if that's progressing at all. Sometimes I wish we could move forward and other times I'm glad we're just friends for now. This is the longest I've gone talking with someone without jumping into a relationship...almost 8 months now. Sometimes that line between being just friends and being boyfriends gets blurred and we have to remind eachother of it, 'cause there's been some misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Overall, though, we're managing. I guess the reason why I don't want to rush into anything with this guy, is 'cause when I'm in a relationship I'm in it for the long haul and I want to be sure I want to be with him and he wants to be with me. With my ex there was always the lingering doubt in the back of his mind and that's what ultimately ruined our relationship. So I refuse to put myself back out there like that.

Work is going okay. It's summer time, so all the faculty I usually deal with are out on vacation and so things here have been really slow. Next week I will be off all week and am not returning until the Wednesday after 4th of July. This weekend I will be heading up to San Francisco Pride. I've never been to SF Pride, but I hear it's a wild time. I can't wait! I sound so gay I know, but I just need to unwind like no other. You just don't understand.

That is it I guess. Nothing exciting told ya. I'm still alive though, and that's always a wonderful thing. I will try to keep yous all updated more often. I have to come up with one of them themed post days to keep posting regularly. I'll think of something...

I hope that you're all doing well out there. Drop me a line. Take care of you!


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