Thursday, December 15, 2005

what was I thinking?

I decided this year that I wanted to have a Christmas dinner get together at my place. Nothing big or fancy, just invite a few close friends for some food, some drinks, and some good times.

When I started college I developed a little group of friends; oh about 7 of us. We were all for the most part in the same major and we just instantly clicked. Through the course of our college years, a couple ventured out to other majors. However, we've still managed to remain pretty close. We attend each other's family functions and for a while there it sort of became a tradition to go out every Friday night for dinner and a movie. Man those were great times. However, as with most things...everything changes when you grow up. Lately, we haven't really seen much of each other even though we all still keep in contact. The last time most of us were all together was about a couple months ago when we got together for dinner to celebrate someone's bday. We've just all become pretty busy with our grown up's crazy. Some of us are working full-time, others are still in school, and some have moved out of town.

Anyway, I thought it would be cool to try to get us all together for a dinner before the end of the year. Something tells me next year will be an even busier year for all of us. Well, it will be for me anyway...I'm planning to go back to schoool, which will require me moving away. So, I'm trying to spend as much time with these people who have grown to mean so much to me before everything REALLY changes. This dinner I decided to have is tomorrow and I'm realizing I have tons of shit to do...and I have a date tonight, so I am not getting anything done tonight. My roommate has been too busy studying for finals to be of any help and the fucker hates being a host, so I'm having to get all this shit ready on my own. Don't get me wrong I'm excited about doing it and I'm looking forward to spending time with my friends, but it's a lot of work planning this dinner deal. Martha Stewart I am not, trust! So I'm sure I'll forget to do something...ah fuck it. It'll be good, it'll be fun...and I'm getting drunk!


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