Friday, October 28, 2005

country music

I had hoped that you would be here from now on,
But memories of us are all I have left to dwell upon,
And I loved you like nobody loves you,
And you earned my trust,
But all that's left to show are these memories of us,
[Read more...]

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

the irony of my life

When I was in high school, girls wouldn't give me the time of day. At the time I was going through the confused stage of my sexuality. Plans of having a wife, kids and the white picket fence still felt like they might someday be realized. I crushed on girls and some guys. My girl crushes though, were always just puppy dog crushes. Wanting to be near them, hold their hand maybe. My guy crushes on the other hand...ooh boy, those were passionate, lustful crushes. A hormonal teenage boy's mind can be an exciting place to be in...granted you're that hormonal teenage boy.

Anyway, these days it seems most the attention I get while out and about is from the womens. Damn it! Life is so unfair that way. Hell, I even have females hitting me up on MySpace...damn it, it's "My" space! And it says on there...Orientation: Gay. Clear as day. I guess the fact that I'm not your obvious gay guy might have something to do with it. I'm sure to those guys out there who would hit me up, I probably just come off as a straight dude...I can't help it.

However, I bet if I were straight...I'd get no play from the females and get more attention from the fellas. That's just the irony of my life.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

shit faced at fall-tini

Last night was Fall-tini downtown again and of course I was there. The martini's were flowing freely as was everyone's inebriated inhibitions. I swear I saw Anna Nicole Smith walking the fashion show catwalk and collecting dollar bills from the onlookers. I shit you not! That was the funniest thing, 'cause she just looked so far gone.

Having not eaten throughout the entire day prior to this little shindig I was feeling the effects of the alcohol very quickly. After about 8 martini's it was time to call it a night and so my friend and I headed out in search of somewhere to eat. I remember sitting down at our table at the restaurant, ordering some hot wings and the rest of the night was a big blur. I don't think I even ate anything, but I do think that I might have gotten sick there at our table, like serious yacking into empty water cups...sorry bus boys. It was not pretty. I don't remember how I got home, just that I woke up in the middle of the night in a pool of my yackin' on my bed thinking what the fuck happened? Sick, I know. Grace if I ever party at your place this will not happen, I promise!

Before heading off to work this morning I tried to drink some water, but even that wasn't staying down. Have you ever yacked pure water? It's the strangest thing. So all day I've been hungover, dehydrated, and my fuckin' phone hasn't stopped ringing all damned day long! I'm cool on drinking for a minute I think, especially just having gotten shit-faced on a school night.

Monday, October 17, 2005

is it almost friday?

I dunno know why, but I really don't want to be at work today. I can think of a grip of shit I would rather be doing, but I guess without the cash I wouldn't be able to do all that shit here goes my ass back to work.

Friday, October 14, 2005

i feel ashamed/tgiff

Is it really bad that I've had her stupid-ass "Boyfriend" song in my head all damned day long?! I'm not a fan, really I'm not! That would be SO gay of me.

I just set up a new computer for one of the faculty I work with...oooh, always thought he was a handsome man and just now he was dressed up for a game of tennis....nice legs...nice.... What a great start to a weekend.

Have a great fuckin' weekend everyone!

back from my hiatus

Hey all! Hope you guys missed me! Wha'...? Yes I was gone! You might not have noticed, but I was gone...for a WHOLE week too.

Anyway, this week was really a bad one for me. I mean emotionally, I was a fuckin' mess! I felt like a little bitch with my emotions flying all over the place. It all started with an outing I had Sunday night. My friends and I decided we would go out to the big Harvest Fair going on in town to listen to some Mariachi music and a couple artists that were going to perform. I love mariachi music, but I forgot just how depressing it can be. I tell you, if I were a cryer I would've been a big bawling mess in my seat. As it were, every fucking song they performed was killing me...songs of love and pain. You know shit I shouldn't have been listening to coming out of a relationship. So from then on I was fucking out of it all damn week. On Tuesday I had a little chat session with my ex online and I came to a couple obvious realizations that further fucked me up. Now though, i'm good. Today is a good day, so I decided I'd let you all know that I'm still alive and kickin'.

Oh! Not only had I been away from my blog 'cause of my emotional state, but I kinda got pulled into MySpace...that shit can be addicting. Let's just say I didn't have a productive week at work either. I'm good on that now too though. Anyway, gotta run. Hope you all are doing good. IT'S FUCKING FRIDAY!!!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

at the speed of light

Is it just me or are the weeks just flying by? I mean damn! It feels like it was Monday only yesterday, but it's already Friday. Not that I'm complaining mind you, just making an observation. In just a few weeks will be the start of the holiday season and then 2006...sumonabitch! I mean my birthday is in about 4 months...I'm getting older and I wish I could say wiser, but definitely older. Anyway, happy Friday everyone! Should we start the count down...7 hrs and 10 mins till the weekend officially starts (adjust to your own time zone).

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

happy hump day!

Monday, October 03, 2005

dating is so gay

Having recently become single again, some friends have suggested I get back out there and start dating.  The whole “get over your ex, with someone new” mentality has never really appealed to me.  This is especially so now, even though I seem to be having so much trouble getting over my ex.  I feel like any new relationships I make now will only be bogged down by the emotional baggage I am carrying.  I am hurting so much right now and it seems like any little thing just opens up the flood gates to memories of my ex.  I love this guy sooo much that I cannot even begin to explain it.  Cheesy clichés come to mind, “’tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all”, “Everything happens for a reason”, “If you’re meant to be together, then eventually you will be”.  And though all that shit might be true, it is difficult to find comfort in any of it.

Some might argue that I am so stuck on him, because I don’t think that I deserve better.  I have asked this same question of myself and after much contemplation I know that is not the case.  I am stuck on him, because he possesses all the qualities that I look for in a partner.  He is loving and is not afraid to express his affection verbally or physically, as opposed to many masculine gay men.  He is extremely intelligent and can hold his own in smart conversation.  He shares the same sarcastic humor I do.  He is mature and is very goal oriented, which is his catch 22 – he is so goal oriented that he strives for so much and isn’t very well at juggling it all.    In the end that has always been our downfall.  He becomes so overwhelmed that he feels he has to cut something in his life and that something has always been his relationships.  I guess that’s his M.O.  Once he starts feeling overwhelmed and not in control he clams up, becomes cold, distant, and keeps you at arms length.  And so, here I am alone all over again.

I have tried as some friends have suggested to get back out there, but “back out there” is a scary, scary place.  Surely, all of you have your fair share of dating horror stories, but in the gay scene you have to multiply that by 10.  I am not a huge fan of the club scene, or single club scene I should say, because when I am with someone I enjoy getting out for some dancing.  However, it has never been the case I have ran into someone at the club that I thought, “Hey, this guy is a possibility”.  Usually, it’s more like, “Damn, that guy is hot”, but after some small chat it’s a quick realization that there is nothing beyond that.  I am starting to become jaded and I don’t like it.  However, you can’t help but to be.  I went out Saturday night, met a friend at the local “happening” gay club in town and all there was was a whole lot of attitude.  That coupled with my friend pointing out all the guys at the club that night that he’s fucked around with and I was out of there before too long.  Last night, I went to the same club with another friend.  This time it was an older crowd and the club was hella dead, but it gave us an opportunity to just chat and bullshit.  Having him tell me his experiences with dating and more stories of people at the club and literally I could’ve been sick to my stomach.  Not because he was being graphic or anything, but simply because he only cemented the widely known truth that in a small gay scene such as this…everyone’s been with each other, and it is fucking sickening to me.  Maybe it is the fact that I have just come out of a relationship and my ex is into the whole gay scene that makes me that much more ill just thinking about it.  Thinking about the possibility, the very likely possibility that he is out there doing all this shit, while I am here wallowing in self pitty and longing for someone who doesn’t want to be with me.  

I have been trying to get out there again, but I don’t think that I am ready.  I have to get my head straight before I can feel confident enough to hit the bleak dating scene again.  For those of you happily coupled right now, cherish what you have.  The dating scene…eh, it’s so gay.