Tuesday, January 31, 2006

my super sweet sixteen...not!

I spent the weekend down in Indio, CA. It's about a 5.5 hr drive south for me. I was there for a cousin's Sweet Sixteen celebration. Man, nothing like a little family gathering to be reminded just how ghetto my family can be. My family is huge, my grandparents had 9 children. Sadly, there's ALWAYS lots of gossip to go around. Jeebus, I could write volumes on all the drama in my family. And that's only my mom's side of the family. That side has always been the loud, party, outspoken side of the family.

Anyway, two hours into the party and the birthday girl was piss drunk! Apparently, she had been sneaking shots of tequila while everyone else was eating. She tried unsuccessfully to play it off, but nearly dropping her dancing partner and falling a couple times on her ass (in her nice white dress, mind you) sort of gave up her charade. Her mom was ready to beat her ass. I'm sure she would've too had she gotten her alone somewhere. That was just hilarious to watch. Let just say that whole party was a far cry from the lavish "proper" party's shown on MTV's My Super Sweet Sixteen. Sometimes I wonder if I was adopted.

Friday, January 27, 2006

have a great weekend

Hey all, don't have much to write about lately. Hopefully after this weekend I will. I'll try to be extra bad. Although, come to think of it I'll be out of town at a family function so I guess I can't be too bad. I hope you all have a great, fun, and safe weekend. Much love!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

gay realization

The coming out process for a gay/lesbian is never ending and definitely never easy. Although, the more you do come out to people the easier it is to do so. The hardest part is taking that first step into uncertainty. For those of us who grew up prior to today's mild open mindedness , coming out seemed like an impossibility. This isn't really the case with today's young generation who have a comparably greater mainstream representation of gay culture in the media. When I was growing up the only memorable gay representation on TV were the "Men on Film" sketches of In Living Color..."hated it!"

Personally I never had a gay figure, be it in my personal life or in the media, with whom I could relate. The only gay personas portrayed on my television set were all overly flamboyant characters I had nothing in common with. As a teenager that made it extremely difficult to "find" myself and so I pretty much hibernated throughout my high school years. Depression set in and I slept my way through those years. I would go to school, come home and sleep, watch some TV, and sleep some more. Day in and day out that was my routine. It made it so I didn't have to deal with it at all. Add to those socially awkward years the pressure of having to live up to the Latino "machismo" attitude and it makes for a very unpleasant experience.

I always knew that I liked guys. Sure, growing up I had a couple crushes on girls, but those were always little puppy dog crushes. The crushes I developed on guys were always more intense and went further than simply wanting to hold their hands. I had other parts of their anatomy in mind. I don't know for sure if I was born gay, I do know for sure that some of my earliest memories involve being attracted to men in one form or another. Therefore, growing up I always knew that I was different. While my male peers were talking and fantasizing about having sex with girls, I was fantasizing about my male peers having sex. Still, as is the case with many gays still in the closet I actually envisioned getting married, having kids, the nice home, the white picket fence...the whole nine yards. It wasn't until late in my senior year in high school, while I was preparing to head off to college that I realized "the whole nine yards" were not going to be in the cards for me. I finally accepted that I was gay and that was who I was. One of the persons who has the hardest time accepting that you're gay, sometimes is yourself.

When I started college away from home, away from old friends, family, away from all that I had known for the passed 18 years I set out on a quest to find myself. I took to the internet in search of some little nitch in the gay community, which I never knew existed, for myself. It was a new awakening, a realization that I had been sheltered from so much growing up in my small town. As I learned more about what it meant to be gay, I felt a slight confidence growing in me. By this time I had made sure that I was totally independent of my family. I had been cooking for myself and doing my own laundry since high school. Now in college I was living on my own, I had a job and was paying for my own way. One of the most important things I have done in my life has been learning to fend for myself. My urgent desire to become so independent of my family was two-fold; I knew that eventually I wanted to come out to my family and if for some reason they rejected me and dissowned me that I could be self-efficient. Luckily, that hasn't been the case. Secondly, I wanted to show my parents that I could be gay AND become a man on my own, that those two things - being gay and being a man were not mutually exclusive.

In a way I had been a bit socially retarted until I left my comfort zone, which had been my home town. What most people figure out while in high school, I figured out well into my college years. Growing up, never in a million years did I ever think that I could be as comfortable as I am today being gay. It was supposed to be life ending, the sky was supposed to fall, the ground was supposed to part and swallow me whole if anyone ever found out my little secret. Well, I'm still alive, the sky's still intact, and I'm walking firmly on the ground. It is this other end of the coming out process, that is not as grim as I had envisioned I wish I could share with all those kids who are now where I once was. That dark, lonely place that unknowingly only exists in their minds. That unhappy, guilty, angry place that toys with your mind to the point where it seems that the only way out is to end the life you refuse to let yourself live. Sadly, many never find the courage.

I don't know that society will ever be fully accepting of me in my lifetime. I do know that I can live my gay life, however boring it may be, as an example to break the stereotypes that box in the gay community. I am not a deviant, a sex-crazed child molestor, a coniving sexual predator hell-bent on putting the moves on every straight man I come across. I am simply a son, a brother, an uncle, a godfather, a friend, your neighbor, your teacher, your classmate - a man who is trying to live his life to the fullest, while working his ass off, paying his taxes, and searching for love.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

this is hilarious!

Tom Cruise Kills Oprah. (watch the video)

A little busy today, but I've been meaning to post this. Enjoy your day!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

say a little prayer for a new angel

I have nothing to post today, but I did read this article that hit a nerve. I love children even though I doubt I'll ever have any of my own. There's just something really wrong with a system that would allow for this to happen:


Saturday, January 07, 2006

drunk blog

I just got home from the club, so forgive me if this makes absolutely no cents (kidding, kidding...I know it's spelled scents). Anywho, I had a fucking blast. I had second thoughts about going out tonight, but I'm totally glad I did go out, 'cause all my friends were out there. I hadn't seen most of them since last year, so it was good to see 'em. I started off drinking beers (Corona's), but then my friend bought me a shot, a protein shot, no kidding that's gross. Though, come to think of it I haven't had one of them in a long time...okay I'm sorry TMI (Too Much Information). Have I mentioned I'm very sexually frustrated? Well I am, VERY! Where was I? Oh yeah, so I'm going down on this guy right? Wait, that's a different story...ahem. Aparently I got tired of drinking beer, 'cause next thing I know I'm drinking a strawberry long island ice tea, it was good! By this time I'm very outgoing, VERY OUTGOING...I think I might've kissed some stranger, I know I hugged a lot of guys, a couple of which grabbed me in my "special" place. I got a shoulder massage from my good friend's boyfriend...it was hot. He is fuckin' hot! My friend's boyfriend that is. We had a threesome one time *gasp!*, but yeah we did...I know I'm a slut, let me have it. Stone me now. Actually, it started as a foursome then shrunk down to a threesome. It was at an afterparty at some lawyers house, yeah there's gay lawyers too...those gays are everywhere. Long story short, my friend's boyfriend is hung, nicely hung...that whole experience was totally different, totally out of character for me, but it was hot! My friend and his man have an open relationship, so it wasn't AS bad. Okay, I'm a slut. Anywho, I only mention it, 'cause tonight after the club they were trying to talk me into going to their place and I knew what they wanted to do. The boyfriend's place is like 40 mins away though, so that wasn't happening. They offered to drive me too and bring me back later today, but I just couldn't do it. They're always fucking around with guys and I hear all the stories along with all the sordid details and I just don't want to be one of those stories...again. Besides my friend told me earlier in the night that he was in love with his man, so that just made me wanna pass on the whole ordeal. So where was I, okay I think I just went to confession. WTF?! Okay, I need to take my ass to bed now. Good morning everyone!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

the more things change the more they stay the same

This time last year I was working at a friends hardware shop, living from check to check and very stressed out because of it. I was single and hating it! I was still very much in love with my ex and hoped very much to get back with him. I was thinner, probably because of all the stress and was generally unhappy.

This year let's see...I have a good job I wish I was happy at, but it pays the bills very nicely. I am single again and somewhat enjoying it. Let's just say it's slowed somewhat, since I've been dating this guy. But I'm single nonetheless. I am not still in love with my ex, but I have been thinking about him a lot lately and I don't know why. I haven't seen him since that day he broke it off...that's been almost 4 months now, damn! To be quite honest I kinda prefer it that way. We do talk on the phone every now and then, but it's always more of a catch up thing. Never really talk about us or what happened.

Last week we had a conversation, just a normal conversation as usual, however toward the end of our chat he hesitantly asked when we were gonna start hanging out again. His question was followed by a long, "umm...uhhh....oh crazy" on my part. I really didn't know how to answer him, "not anytime soon", "I dunno, I'll get back to you" I suppose could've been acceptable answers, they would've been honest anyway. Instead I said, "whenever, just let me know and if we're both not busy we'll work something out." He picked up on my hesitation and called me on it. Ah well. I know I still hold some hurt feelings and maybe some anger toward him. Part of his argument for calling it off was that he felt the one day a week we got to spend a couple hours together was impeding him from enjoying his time off from work to do as he pleased. So the thought that he now would like to spend some time with me kinda gets under my skin. I don't think I'm ready to pretend that everything is fine and that I'm not still hurt, because it would be just that...me pretending. Although, I guess I have to put those feelings behind me in order to move on. I don't know. Maybe I should see him and just let those feelings go. He called me Friday and put his daughter on the phone, she wanted to thank me for her Christmas gift. I tell ya, if I was a crier I would've shed some tears...I love that little girl. I got really attached to her and she seemed to really like me too. That was one of the hardest things with dealing with the break up, it wasn't just a break up from him.

It seems the more things change the more they stay the same, I was going through the same shit last year, with the same guy. The only difference this year is that I've met someone that I think I could fall for and that scares me. It scares me, because I don't know how to proceed from here. We've been dating for about a month now and I am really digging him. We talk on the phone frequently, but never a serious conversation about where this dating is leading to. And I think we both consciously steer clear of that topic. He's been single for 2 yrs and is just now getting back out there and well I had said that I wasn't going to be getting involved anytime soon. But we've really hit it off. This whole dating business is just really confusing. Part of me is just REALLY scared of starting another relationship and another part of me knows that I'm perfectly comfortable in a relationship. I guess the best course of action here is to continue as I have been...cautiously.

Whatever the case, I'm starting off this year with a positive outlook. I hope it's a great year and that I am able to make the most out of what comes my way. Say a little prayer me.