Wednesday, November 30, 2005

it is fall

I stepped out of my humble abode this late November morning and the cold breeze quickly bit at my face and I couldn't help but smile. Fall is upon us. The scent of dampened earth fills the air. The grass blades shimmer with the morning dew. The trees burn with such vibrant colors. Yellows, oranges, and reds keep me warm on this cold late autumn day. As I travel the steps of my waking life I'm showered with a confetti of golden leaves that gently caress my face, tap my shoulders, and come to rest at my feet. Maple leaves carried by the chilling breeze dance alongside me, hurrying me along to my final destination. Along the way I see friends with heads bowed high, bright empty eyes, and cold vibrant smiles. Oblivious to the beauty that surrounds them. It is not an ending my friend, but a means to a new beginning. It is Fall, it is autumn, it is beautiful.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

thank eat your damn turkey!

I wanted to take this opportunity to give my thanks, since I'll be at my folks tomorrow with no internet access...yikes!!!

I am thankful for my life, for no one before me and no one after me will ever live my exact same life. I am thankful for having my beautiful, all be it disfunctional, family that I love more than anything in this world. I am thankful for the wonderful people who fill my life each and every friends. Moreso than my family, because I live away, my friends have been there for me when I've found it hard to be there for myself. I am thankful for having been able to meet the people that I have through this blog. People, so different than I that I probably wouldn't have met otherwise. I am thankful for having loved someone so much that my heart was broken, because that means that I am capable of loving. I am thankful that I have been able to pick up the pieces, because now I am stronger and wiser for it. I am thankful for this job that has afforded me opportunities I wouldn't have had otherwise. Most of all I am thankful for having so much to be thankful for...and I truly cherish all of it.

I hope you all have a great day and that you are able to spend it with those you love.

Friday, November 18, 2005

have a good one!

Aight, it's Friday and I've been mentally gone from work since after lunchtime. I tried to start a post, but my mind is all about the weekend already.

I purchased a few CD last night at Barnes & Nobles, and they're fucking great. If you get a chance check out their websites:

Raul Midon - State of Mind
Ray LaMontagne - Trouble (the song 'Shelter' in particular)
Amos Lee - Amos Lee (introduced to his music by my friend Ruben...thanks, I bought his CD)

Hope you all have a great weekend. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

abandonment issues

My roomie is gone till after Thanksgiving! He got deported along with his family to Mexico. Okay, really they went on vacation, but doesn't it sound more exciting to say they got deported? Anyway, so I got home yesterday evening from my date with my dentist and realized I would be the only one home. I cried. Okay not really...I put on Napolean Dynamite, laid out on the couch and relaxed before hitting the gym. My roomie and I don't see eachother much anymore. He's doing an internship, doing his master's program, and the little fucker is pretty busy these days. Usually he has evening classes and by the time he gets home from class I'm getting ready to turn down for the night. But it's still nice to know that if I get bored or can't fall right to sleep I can bullshit with him for a bit. Now I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself for the next week or so. Hmmm...the possibilites are endless I guess...;-)

Wow, I'm gonna have my place all to myself for over a week! Oh the trouble I could get into...let me think of ways to keep myself busy. Well, I'll be back at my folks' this weekend, so that'll ensure a normal weekend. I suppose I can clean up my room proper, get back to my art stuff, read some...stuff I've been putting off for a while now. Or I suppose I can just have all out orgies every night. Although, they'll get boring after a while...I think I'll save those for wild, crazy weekends. Oh, I'm sure I'll find something to do to keep me busy...besides gettin' busy. Wow, I guess I'm working through my abandonment issues just fine.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

well knock me out and take advantage dentist is fuckin' hot! I showed up this morning walked into the office and there was this bald headed latino, maybe in his mid 30's. He was wearing a grey nicely fitting t-shirt and black slacks. At first I thought, maybe he was an office assistant, but when he introduced himself as my dentist I nearly fell over with excitement. No...not excitement down there, well maybe a little down there. hehe I think I'm going to rather enjoy my dentist visits. When he was all up close and personal I was just in awe... even though, he was telling me that my teeth were all fucked up. He could've told me that he was going to have to remove all my teeth and I would've just went along. The man is gorgeous. Besides no teeth would make some things a little easier...wink, wink.

My hygenist was a pretty, chatty female. It was just a bit hard when she was just talking and talking and I couldn't add my two cents, 'cause she had the drill and suction tube in my mouth. Although, she was good about pausing and letting me say a couple words before continuing. It made the time fly by, so it was cool. I have to say my first visit to the dentist in about 16 yrs was a pleasant one. I have another appointment tomorrow, so a deeper clean and fillings. They're actually going to numb me tomorrow, so i'll see how pleasant a visit I have tomorrow. For now I'll just fantasize about my dentist...did I mention he is fuckin' hot?! Okay, all have a good one.

Monday, November 14, 2005

open wide

Tomorrow at the butt crack of dawn, I will be sitting in a dentist's chair for the first time since I was about 8 or 10 yrs old. That's right, almost 16 yrs later. I'm actually excited, because I know I need some work done. And I haven't been in so long so I don't know what I should be fearing, so I'm not too nervous. I'm just afraid of them telling me, "your teeth are all fucked up!". They're aren't, considering I haven't been to the dentist in so long...but I do need some work done. Scary thing, as I was typing this just now my dentist called just to say hello and to thank me for making an appointment to see him. He sounded like a youngin', maybe he'll be a good looking dentist. Hey HEY hey. I could use a sugar daddy right about now.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

fuckin' genius!!!

Okay, I had been distraught when my ex broke it off so that he can be free and do whatever the hell he wanted to. Over these passed couple of weeks I've come to realize that the guy is a fuckin' genius! OMFG, I had been missing out on sooo much. I was seriously considering settling down with him...and I just never would've known all that I actually was missing out on.

I went out on Friday night, and that handjob fiasco last weekend was nothing compared to what went down this weekend. It's a sexual revolution baby, for sure!!! Seriously though, I have been out for about 4-5 yrs now, but just recently have I started going out to the clubs and hell just going out in general. I guess it's just that I'm more comfortable with my sexuality now. My ex was my first boyfriend and I was so in love with him. He was all that I knew of relationships and I had convinced myself that he was THE scary is that. I realize now that I was so wrong. The way I see it, is if he is actually THE ONE then our paths will cross again down the line. Maybe when we've both done had all our fun and are actually ready to settle down. For the time being I'm just finding out just how fun being single can be. Hope you all have had a great weekend...tomorrow another work week, ugh.

Monday, November 07, 2005

weekend recap/sordid details for grace

So before I begin my weekend recap can I just say that I really REALLY appreciate all of you who stop on by and check in on my rather boring life...thank you! For the past month or so I had been extremely the point where I would get sick to my stomach. I had lost my appetite and really didn't feel like doing much but sleep. I am so much fuckin' better these days...I am excited again and I can't wait for the following year, 'cause nigga has big plans. More on that on a later post. Now I'd like to recap a weekend that I really, REALLY needed. So are the sordid details of my weekend!

Friday...cantonese lesson/drunk with the gays
I couldn't contain my excitement all morning just thinking that in a few hours I would be on my trek down south to LA for a weekend of drunken debauchery. Therefore, I decided to use some comp time and bail on work at noon. Besides I still had to do some laundry and pick up the rental. I set out on my drive down south a little later than I had hoped, but at 4 o'clock sharp I was on the freeway. I figured I'd have about 3.5 hrs to kill, so I grabbed a handful of CD's including a set of Chinese (Cantonese) lesson CD's. Something I have also failed to mention is that I'm learning Cantonese and I'm coming along quite quickly. So for the first couple hours of my drive I worked through 2 lessons on the CD, they're half an hour each and I played them both twice. Hell, practice makes perfect. Plus, you'd be surprised just how fast two hours can fly by when you're flying down the freeway learning a new language. Before I knew it I was zipping up the Grapevine. Once I got into the LA area though, I had to switch to my music CD's, 'cause concentrating on the proper pronunciation of, "I am American, but I can understand Cantonese a little bit" almost got me into a couple accidents. Have I mentioned that I hate LA traffic? It's one of the things that keeps me from considering moving to the area. Anyway, Shakira and The Foo Fighters kept me company while sitting on the parking lot othewise known as the 405.

I had planned to meet my friends for dinner in Huntington Beach at 6:30 I called my friends and told them that I was barely passing by the Getty Center, still about half an hour away WITHOUT traffic. I got to Long Beach at about 8pm, picked up my friend and her girlfriend and we were at La Capia for dinner promptly at 8:30. I had a couple Jack 'n Cokes at dinner and was feeling a little warm. After dinner my friend invited me to a gay bar in Costa Mesa named The Lion's Den...sounded a bit dungeonlike to me, but I said, fuck it. We got there at about 11:30 pm and I was taken aback by the number of drag queens chilling at the entrance. Talk about meat market. These bitches were scary looking drag queens too. The look for the night apparently was bald headed latinos, so I was a shoe in. We immediate hit the bar and bought some drunken, I mean Coronas. My friend didn't fuck around she pounded hers down, while I chose to savor my drink. After a couple drinks I was a little more laid back, I get uptight in new surroundings. Soon, I was a little more receptive to the looks and mischievious grins. While on the dance floor with my friend I think my ass was grabbed about 5 times, I was rubbed up on from behind by a good looking baldy who seemed to be packin'...nice, and was torn from my friend as she suddenly found herself in the center of a sausagefest circle on the dance floor. A guy who had been eyeing me all night took the opportunity to come up and dance with me, which I agreed to...this fucker was hot. After a little freaking and small chit-chat I was back with my friend and the rest of the night just flew by with drinking and more dancing with random strangers. Before I knew it "last call" was called and the lights came up bringing everyone back to their drunken realities. Coincidentally, one of the guys I danced with turned out to be from Fresno or so he said. I'm thinking, "fuck can't I escape the Fresno gays for at least one day?". I was good that night, got to my friend's place and crashed the fuck out!

Saturday...test driving/the Arena hand job (xxx)
The night before my friend and I decided that we would go test driving a couple trucks to kill some time. She's all about the Chevy Silverado, no she's not a butch lesbian, she's lipstick...just likes the big truck. I wanted to test drive the Chevy Colorado. So we set out in the late morning to Cerritos' auto mall. I test drove the Colorado first and I liked the way it drove. It just didn't have enough balls for a truck. I like how it looks though, but I wasn't sold. My friend then drove the that is a truck. It had a powerful v8 engine and it drove nice with a nice ride. If only we could've gagged the sales lady sitting in the back seat, "Lady, we're not buying today we're just test driving now shut the fuck up!" For some reason she deamed it necessary we know that she likes classical music, "um yeah...I don't give a fuck. So how much can you work with us here?" To keep from being harassed my friend pulled the ol', "I think I hear my mom calling me", trick and we were off to GMC for her to test drive the Sierra. Now this is were I fell in lust. The sales man, Harout $#%&!, I coudn't pronounce his last name but he was Lebanese and most of all hot. Okay, maybe hot is not the proper word, but he was very handsome and had a nice little body on him and both my friend and I agreed that the little accent was kinda hot. Turns out he was a little wet behind the ears at the dealership, 'cause he seemed a bit more nervous about our encounter than my friend was. On the test drive in which Harout took the back seat and I considered joining him, I mentioned that I was also soon going to be in the market for a new car. "Oh really? You should come to me I'll take care of you." To which I replied smile, "I bet you would (under my breath). That sounds good, definitely I'll come to you for service." hehe, so I was thinking a little different service than he was, but he offered.

Later that night a coupe friends took me out to the Arena in west hollywood. OMG...let the true drunken debauchery begin. I knew I was in trouble when just driving up to the place I saw so many damn good looking fellas walking to the club. I just knew then it was going to be good times. I had never been to this is fuckin' huge! Meat market at it's best. It was "Boys Night Out" so go figure. My friends are females, so they were pretty much shit outta luck. Well one has a girlfriend anyway so it didn't matter, but my other friend is straight and all she could do was look. I decided to walk around on my own for a bit...I was like a kid in a candy shop and all I wanted was a lolipop. hehe, sorry couldn't help myself. Anyway, I was standing in line a the bar when this guy hit me up and asked for my name. We chit-chatted for a bit while in line and he asked me if I wanted to dance. So we get on the dance floor and this kid was a FREAK, I said..."okay, okay, we can do this". I can get my freak on with the best of 'em, so I put it down. Next thing I know we're standing on the side of the dance floor making had been a minute for me, so I was enjoying it. Little did I know one of my friends saw this and was shocked. See it's like this for a lot of people; you can know someone is gay, but until you see them BEING gay it doesn't quite sink in. So my friend who's known that I'm gay for a few years now had to let that one sink in for a minute. For some reason she was excited about it. Anywho, that guy turned out to be a little weird when he started talking about going to NYC and if I didn't like it we could come back...quickly moved on. Later on as I was walking around this very hot bald guy with the nicest pair of arms I'd seen stopped me, well okay kinda groped me as he passed by me. I stopped him for a bit and we were chatting all the while some major groping was going on. We were kinda standing off to the side of the dance floor and it was toward the end of the night so everyone was pretty much out of it drunk off their asses. Us two included. I was so drunk and pretty much just going with it, but then the next thing I know his hand is down my pants and he was touching my private area, right there by the dance floor. Now if you were to see this guy on any other day of the week I'm sure he's the last person you'd think would be offering up a quick hand job at the club, but there he was. It was one of those things that leaves you thinking, "What the fuck?!" After a little making out he tells me, "you're crazy, we just met". "Okay, but it's YOUR hand down my pants." This kinda embarrassed him and so he stopped, much to my dismay of course. We made out a bit more and I was on my way. That was definitely the highlight of my night. Hell, it left me thinking about how much trouble I could get into if I lived in LA. I think I'll just stick to visiting every now and then. But if certainly left me with something to look forward to.

All in all, it was a great fuckin' fantabulous weekend! ;)

Friday, November 04, 2005

it's friday and i'm outta here!!!

Aight, hope you all have a great weekend. I am burning off some comp time and I am outta here right now! Be safe, be good or be good at it.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

because work can wait

I thought I'd steal this idea and give it a try.

Go to Google. Type in "(your name) needs"

Edward needs sunscreen. (Wouldn't want to get all dark and shit)
Edward needs a reminder of just how far his son Billy has come. (Hell, Edward needs a reminder of making this kid Billy...don't recal ever being THAT drunk.)
Edward needs to announce his measures. (For all the size queens out there.)
Edward needs to be allowed to remain in regular contact with her. (So remove the restraining order bitch!)
Edward needs your assistance! (If you're tall, dark, handsome and well please!)
Edward needs a skilled and patient family. (To put up with my bullshit)
Edward needs a patient. (To play doctor with. hehe)
Edward needs some beer and male-bonding. (Amen! Beer and, I mean bonding, that's what I need!)

And a little variation:

Edward thinks AJ should take advantage of Courtney's love. (She's a bitch anyway.)
Edward thinks even a coward hearing these words would become brave. (So listen up bitches!)
Edward thinks Lucy gets enough pocket money. (Turning tricks! She's my best ho, fo sho!)
Edward thinks we can develop these abilities. (I really don't, I just tell them that, 'cause they're "special".)
Edward thinks that Tom took his place at Westminster. (And so Tom must die! Bastard!)
Edward thinks she must have been a bushranger. (AKA carpet muncher)
Edward thinks to himself. ("...just because I have gay sex, doesn't necessarily mean that I'm gay, right?.")
Edward thinks it's the little things that Doug does that makes this place special. (As long as Doug is on his knees. hehe)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

li'l bout me

Three ways that I am stereotypically female
1. I am emotional
2. I overthink everything
3. I like men

Three ways that I am stereotypically male
1. I HATE shopping
2. I'm good with directions
3. I like working with my hands.

Three names I go by
1. Edward
2. Eddie
3. Key-Ross

Three parts of my heritage
1. Mexican
2. Mexican
3. Mexican

Three physical things I like about myself
1. My eyes
2. My arms
3. My shaved head

Three physical things I don’t like about myself
1. My gut
2. My quads
3. My dark skin color

Three things that scare me
1. Snakes
2. Being Alone
3. Losing a loved one

Three of my everyday essentials
1. Toothbrush
2. Computer
3. sleep

Three LIES
1. I hate my ex
2. I have a clear plan on how to get to where I want to be when I'm 30.
3. I have never lied

1. I am not happy
2. I've started using my gym membership again
3. I've had anonymous sex, safe anonymous sex

Three things I want in a relationship
1. Love
2. Respect
3. Reciprocation

Three physical things about men that appeal to me
1. Legs
2. Arms
3. Ass

Three of my favorite hobbies
1. Watching Movies
2. Writing
3. Drawing

Three things I want to do really badly now
1. Sleep
2. Travel the world
3. Jump out an airplane

Three careers I’ve considered
1. Architect
2. Engineer
3. Pimp

Three places I want to go on vacation
1. Spain
2. Hawai'i
3. France

Three things I want to do before I die
1. Find true love
2. Love my career choice
3. Win the lottery...I better start playing

Three celebrity crushes
1. Vin Diesel
2. Frankie J
3. Antonio Sabato Jr.

Three suckers who got tagged
Who has some time to kill and hasn't already done this.